
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Software Galore: Cleaning Wizard, Belvedere

Picture courtesy of Blenderguru and modified by Ray Tan

Few months back I cam across an article in Lifehacker by Adam Pash. He was talking about a software called Belvedere, which is suppose to help you clean up your messy computers. Without any hesitation, I clicked on the download link and have it installed on my computer. It was left completely untouched for several weeks. 

How does it help me ? 

My computer stores a lot of archives in the folder Compressed and it is really annoying to delete the content every once in a while. The task is so daunting for lazy me; eventually the folder grows so big that I have a hard time cleaning up. Then an idea came  to me, why don't I give Belvedere a try ? 

The Installation
  1. Visit this link Belvedere  
  2. Please read the whole article to get good review on the software and proceed to the download link
  3. Just click on the + sign to add  the folder of your choice. For example, I have added my Compressed and Programs folder

Creating your own rules
  1. Give your rule a name, I call mine "delete" because it erases all archives over the period of one day.
  2. Then, you can set several conditions which when met will trigger the action selected by you.
  3. Remember to click recursive, if you want it to loop
  4. Finally you can click the test button to see the files which met the conditions created in step 2

Something more for you...
  1. For your information, you have to add Belvedere to your startup or else it won't start by itself.
  2. Here is the link to some tutorials on Belvedere:


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