
Monday, April 25, 2011

Jinified : What happend to Jinified ?

I will like to begin the post with a sincere apology to the readers of this blog. Don’t worry and rest assure that Jinified is still operating like usual. Many of you might wonder how come Jinified has been inactive for almost 5 days ? That’s is the motive behind today’s post; it is intended provide you guys with the direction and momentum of Jinified. 

Why the slow down ?
1)The primary reason for the inactivity is because I realized Jinified is slowing down and going to the wrong direction. My mission is to provide a platform where everybody can share and access information on web design, programming etc. After some careful assessment, I realized that there is a lack of awareness among the tech community about Jinified, which prompts me to my next project for Jinified; Social Media Branding. When you have the content, it is time to show it to the world. Therefore, for the past few days, I have been conducting research on social media marketing and reading some free ebooks by marketing gurus. 

2)The inactivity of this blog is also because I am busy doing research for my Form  6 life on forums such as and This is entirely my fault because I turned into my obsessive mode where I discard my usual schedule and rules. 

So what is going to happen next ?

I will spend some time playing with social media tools and then only will I register account for Jinified. We will resume posting and continue with the Jinified’s Routine. For specific day, there will be a post on specific topic.

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