
Monday, March 28, 2011

Study Hack Vol #1: Education from my point of view

 // Intro
Suddenly, I felt the urge to write something on hacking your study method. I am a curious man; a very curious one you could say. Last week, I was on my quest to find some hacks around the most fearsome subject of teenagers around the world; STUDY.

// Problem
In this 21st century, it is weird that parents never focus on the art of studying but rather put the spotlight on particular subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology or social studies. I find the trend very alarming and their approach is not viable at all. Malaysian parents tend to send their children to "tuition center" where the parents imagine their children will be churning extra information out from their tutors. Th reality is most students spent their time talking or chatting with friends in the tuition center. Talking among friends  by any means is not wrong in this situation. The parents may as well organize a party twice a week instead of sending their children for tuition. 

// Is it the fault of tuition teachers ?
My answer will be a big "No". I don't think tuition teachers especially good ones should be held accountable for a simple misconception from the parents. The thought of sending a child to tuition will improve his or her grades is a complete nuisance. Everybody learn at a different pace and rhythm. For instance, two students of the same age will never progress at the same rate as their counterpart, albeit I always idolize an independent style of study. I will go as far as calling it the art of studying. If study is a art, creativity will definitely play a big part in the equation. Enthusiasm and creativity are the main ingredients in Independent study. 

// How do you do it ? 
Firstly, your biggest obstacle will inevitably be you, and of course your dear parents. Try everything in your power to convince your parents in the advantages of Independent study. Once you have managed to get them to your side, half of the battle has been won. Next, you can follow these simple steps to achieve a freestyle study lifestyle:

1.   Find the syllabus of your particular course or subject from the teacher in charge

2. Create a date/action plan which constitutes of goal oriented study session.

3. Set goals for every session and try to break down your goal into smaller goals. Doing this will make you feel less pressured.

4. Create a review sheet for each chapter which is formed based on the syllabus .

5. Integrate your study schedule about 1 month before your exam. 

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