
Monday, March 14, 2011

Jinified: Fall of The Giant

"The entity called failure seems to wear a negative aura around it and those who approach him will be sucked into a vortex of dismay. Some feel powerless before him and submit to his influence, while there are those who kick "Failure" in the face. I truly hope all my friends embrace failure and live a better life."

Today, I would like make my failures into the public for there is no better way to improve yourself other than announcing your own failure. Last week was an unproductive week for me after I have gone through my review session. Many tasks had failed to be executed and completed within the deadline I set. I hope the blog will serve as a journal for me to record down my mistakes and serve as a device to push myself even further. After some analysis, I have listed loopholes and failure that have been committed last week. 

1. Jinified's Logo

Too much time has been spent on designing the logo and in the end I face a serious problem when the time calls for real action. Initially I had used Photoshop as my primary design tool. The major problem is a logo should be designed using a vector software like Illustrator. Therefore, I have to check out some tutorials before been familiar with Illustrator. This might be a failure but an opportunity pops up that allow me to learn to design in other software besides Photoshop. 

2. Distractions

Too much time has been spent online feeding my curiosities in everything I came across. I have trouble focusing on my task at hand because suddenly I will find myself checking the latest tips and tricks from some tech websites. I just spent so much time collecting tutorials, videos and books without actually make full use of the. ( If you need any books or tutorials on graphic design, web design, programming, hacking, chess, psychology, science, blogging, and interview please leave a message on my blog or facebook at

3. Planning

I am a guy who enjoys planning everything and execution is really not my thing. Therefore, my planning that has been carefully crafted always fall apart. I believe the techniques I acquired in my search for the holy grail of productivity is really useful to tackle a lot my problems. I have realized that being productive is not important compared to being effective. For instance, one can be unorganized and still get the his job done simply because he possess the drive to finish things up. My favorite phrase to counter this endless web of productivity is "Crush It" by Gary Vaynerchuk. Sometimes we should just crush things that we wanted to do instead of spending so much time procrastinating on a particular problems. 

Enough with the failures that I have committed. Here I would like to share with you might successes after applying my framework of productivity:

Jog around my house every morning 

Drink a cup of oatmeal every morning ( this an amazing achievement since I really I hated oatmeal long time ago. It is really good for the heart )

Record my expenses in my finance book

Blog three times a week

Meditate very morning

Writing journal to record any new ideas 

Announcing my failures to the public

Sync all my three computers with the same content


Failure is not scary, embrace it.Commit more mistakes because there are no heavy consequences when you commit them now as a student. The world is very forgiving and take the opportunity to try out different things before working in the real world. I am also learning to use Wordpress as we speak. Lastly, I will like to quote Harry McKenna from the movie "The Mechanic" and it sounds like this:

Amat Victoria Curam 
( Victory loves careful preparation )

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