Study Bytes talks about the tips and hacks to a easier and enjoyable education, be it high school, college or university. This series will be aired every Monday to share with guys and gals who are concerned with their academic life. Any techniques and tips released in Study Bytes are extracted from other study blogs such as Study Hack, Lifehack and HackCollege. The materials presented here is the combination of hacks that have been experimented by myself and they are been altered to suit my personal lifestyle. Therefore, feel free to twist and turn the tips given to your own delight.
Before you begin to tackle your studies, having a plan beforehand is extremely crucial. It is the foundation which determine the amount of hours taken to truly master a particular subject. For instance, you have two friends who devote equal amount of time to a subject. Obviously, both will perform on a different scale and this has to do with their strategy. Let us put aside factors such as genetic makeup, maturity and tuition of course. You may disagree with me but here is my analogy to explain the scenario:
The Story
The entire test system is comparable to a strategy game like D.O.T.A or Command & Conquer. Each player will begin the game with equal amount of resources. The initial stage of a game is similar to the moment when everyone is born into this world with zero knowledge. However, different players will choose their favorite Heroes; some each with their pros and cons. Besides that, they may even decide to emphasize on different aspects of his/her army. Some are the offensive type, while some take their time to carry out their plan. If you look into the board game right now, some players may appear to progress more swiftly compared to their peers but soon both will reach a plateau where the head start no longer carry any benefits. The result of the game really depends on the judgements, strategies and decisions of each player after hitting their plateau. What I want to say here is that, natural factors such as talent, upbringing or resources does not determine the success of a student. Some of you might argue that the atmosphere and other external factors would have been enough to create a huge gap which leaves the student no chance to catch up. This statement is bullshit to every gamer out there. A player with true grit will turn the terrain, pace and disadvantages into power. The resistance will only fuel the player with surge of energy to think of a better plan. This is also true for any students who think they are no good at their subjects.
So, how do you turn the table around ?
The gamer in you will tell you to stop, breathe and think of a plan. You may ask what sort of plan do i need ? The answer is plain simple, it depends; every student needs different approach. The best way is to derive your strategy from existing strategies such as the ones compiled by Study Bytes and altered for my own battles.
The tips and tricks presented here are only for your reference and feel free to mold them to fit into your style. Here i would like to thank the author of many study blogs that inspired the birth of Study Bytes. Lastly, to begin this journey you must follow my quote:
"Treat it like a game"
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